Donate to our Programs
Our outreach programs are made possible by generous donations from our sponsors. The Engineering Student Outreach Office thanks these donors for their support in inspiring youth to pursue careers in science and engineering.
If you are interested in helping us achieve our goals and make a difference in the community, please donate either online or by mail-in cheque.
Donating Online
You can donate to Engineering Outreach Programs here:
Donating by Mail-in Cheque
The Outreach Office will also accept donations made by cheques payable to "Engineering Outreach Office – U of T," sent directly to the Engineering Outreach Office.
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
University of Toronto
35 St. George Street, Room 173
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4 Canada
Note: Donating to a specific program
If you wish your contribution to be directed to a specific program within outreach, indicate the program you wish your support to go to on the "Additional Information" section of the donation website, or specify on the memo line of the cheque.